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For anyone Who Dreams Of running for office but never thought it was possible 
"New book Reveals how anyone can run for office 
get elected & make the changes You Want to see in the world Regardless Of Your Current Skills & Experience
As An Elected Official"
Without a massive public profile, raising millions of dollars and
Even if you’ve never been involved in public life before

Click Here To Learn About The Art Of Campaigning

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What is The Art Of Campaigning?
Art of Campaigning is a proven process for anyone to run for office, and not only run for office but... run a campaign you're proud of and maximize your chances of winning even if you have never been involved in public life before...

Campaigns are won and lost on the quality of the campaign you run which is exactly what we show you how to do in the art of campaigning.

And what's more, is that the art of campaigning campaign success model works even if you can't legally raise enough campaign finances (maybe even better) because that means all of your running mates and opposition can't raise enough money either.  Which means that you're all competing on campaign quality which is exactly what we show you how to do. 

We help people architect winning campaigns by creating a "Core Constituent Message " that works for you 24/7 (For every single day, week, and month of your campaign). 

This gives you a Unifying Campaign Message that helps you unite people around you so you can quickly and easily build a base, and create passionate followers who become your biggest advocates for your campaign's success...

And what's more, is that we show you how to do this even if you've never run for office before or have never had any public life experience at all...

Because experience in public life isn't what a winning campaign is all about! No, a winning campaign is built around voter needs and wants and clearly communicating that you are the person for the job who can get them what they want.

When you communicate to people's needs effectively you set yourself up for campaign success... And as a result...you get to run a highly congruent campaign even if you have zero experience starting out by following our proven campaign process designed to help you get focused on what you need to do to get results 

Here's why "The Art Of Campaigning" is your ultimate shortcut to campaign success...
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The Art Of Campaigning
is a Campaign Shortcut
Before I developed the Art Of Campaigning - I ran my very own campaign to become Mayor of Prince Rupert in British Columbia Canada - where I figured out everything that is needed to run for office, create an effective campaign, and how to set yourself up to win.

I took all of the risks publicly figuring everything out, I made all of the mistakes so you don't have to and I was working 60-80 hour weeks  (Or More) on my campaigns to figure it all out without anyone guiding me through the process like I can do for you... 

It took a while to figure everything out and unlike everyone who get access to the art of campaigning, I didn't have anyone to show me the way so I had to figure it all out on the job and run my campaigns at the very same time...

I didn't have a massive team or millions of dollars in funding from special interests. So I had no choice but to become the most as resourceful as possible with everything I had available to me to run my campaign

This was a blessing in disguise because it meant that I had no alternative but to document everything and figure out exactly what was working and what was not working in real time... 

I quickly discovered exactly what worked for campaign success and how to communicate my message effectively to my constituents and ultimately I won my campaign comfortably easily beating out my competition

I never in my wildest dreams thought this was possible when starting out and after I won and reflected back on my campaigns and my notes I started to identify patterns that I could teach to anyone who wanted to run a highly successful campaign... 

I realized that not only was this possible for me this was possible for anyone who could apply the campaign lesson I had learned, to create a campaign run it to win and maximize your chances of success even if you have absolutely no experience whatsoever in public life.. 

So I decided to break everything I had done down into a repeatable and proven process that anyone could follow to help as much as is humanly possible get the same results that I got...

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire Art Of Campaigning I created by downloading a $19.95 ebook called the Art Of Campaigning.

Here's how it works:

The Art Of Campaigning Book (206 Pages)
(Value $67.00) Just $19.95 Today

A Complete System where you learn the entire process for running for office, how to win and how to enter public life
7 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

Core Constituent Messaging (Value $197)
Free With Your Order Today

How to create meaningful messaging so that people in your community can rally around you and rally around your campaign.

Campaign Life Balance (Value $197)
Free With Your Order Today

How to run a campaign without it taking over your life so you can win your race and also maintain all of your other obligations

10 Principles Of Leadership (Value $97
Free With Your Order Today 

These 10 universal principle of leadership will help you position yourself as the candidate for the job

Key Campaign Strategies (Value $197)
Free With Your Order Today

These key campaign strategies will allow you to focus on only what works and nothing more so that you can cut through the noise and stand out from your opponents

Impactful Community Initiatives
(Value $197
Free With Your Order Today

This impactful community initiatives training will allow you to see how crisis events that impact your community can give you an opportunity to serve and separate yourself from your competition

Public Profile Process (Value $197)
Free With Your Order Today 

Exclusive Training: How To Build your Public Profile Fast Even As A Completely Unknown Candidate

Digital Data Management (Value $197
Free With Your Order Today

In this digital data management training we'll show you how to legally manage all of your campaign data in one safe and convenient location

The Confidence Code (Value $197
Free With Your Order Today

We'll show you how to overcome imposter syndrome, develop the confidence to run and impact more lives as the authentic version of yourself. 
This Is The Art of Campaigning
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Author Features & Press Releases 

Here's How Even Brand New People Are Getting Elected & Changing
The World, Without Burning Out on The Campaign Trail, Sacrificing their personal lives or time with their families, and without needing to raise millions of dollars from donors or special interests
 This Is Something That Gives Ordinary People The Tools And Resources They Need In Order To Run A Campaign They Can Be Proud Of From The Very First Day - Read The Story Below To Discover The Art Of Campaigning...
Dear Future Elected Public Figures
From: The Office Of Lee Brain - Mayor Of Prince Rupert Canada
Re: Running Your First Campaign And Winning
Surprised to see a $19.95 price tag on a book designed to give you the keys to campaign success and make the process of entering public life easier than you ever thought possible ?...

I thought you might be...

Would it surprise you, even more, to learn, that in just a few hours from now you can have the keys to campaign success and the roadmap to a winning campaign laid out in stunning detail with what this product reveals?

And what's more, is that you can create a campaign from scratch even if you've never thought it was possible to run for office, have no experience in public life, and even if you're not currently independently wealthy or successful before running for office?

All that you need to run for office is the will to serve your constituents to create a better future with more opportunities for everyone that you serve... 


You should be.

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-)
so let me prove Campaign Success
Is Possible For you
But first, read this disclaimer:
I have the benefit of having run for office, created my own campaigns, and been involved in community outreach and public life for years... 

I know what it takes to run for office and win. I've done everything I can to make sure that you can take my knowledge and experience and implement it for your campaigns to maximize your chances of success

With that said the average person who buys any
“how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using my experience and campaign success results for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, enthusiasm for your campaign and work ethic.

All campaign entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action and I can not guarantee that you will run a successful campaign as I don't know your current situation...

If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS PRODUCT.

And yes, it took me time and energy to figure everything out when it comes to running a winning campaign and then systemize it so that the process is repeatable and predictable for anyone entering into public life... but even though I have made it as simple as humanly possible there is no guarantee that your campaign will be successful...

 With that said … let me jump right in and show you...
I Ran My First Campaign, Won And Was
with The Exact
That I’m About To Share
With You
On This Very Page…
The same strategies that anyone can use to run their very own successful campaigns using proven campaign strategies that are designed to get you results...

Ordinary people just like you who have never run for office in their life are now using the art of campaigning to prepare themselves for success entering into and winning in public life

...And in turn they are impacting their communities and creating the change they want to see in the world faster than ever before...

Here's what can happen to you when you use the Art Of Campaigning
processes we outline: 
  • Even with absolutely no experience in public life we'll show you how to you can quickly develop the self confidence to run for office.. 
  • You'll quickly creating your campaign success plans designed on a formula that's been proven to work 
  • ​You will set yourself up to win your very first campaigns with the kind of success that you never thought would be possible for you... 
...And once your campaign roadmap is outlined like we show you how to do in the art of campaigning 90-95% of the stresses most people feel when campaigning will be completely removed!

And when that campaign stress most people feel is removed you can focus on what really matters running your campaign with 100% certainty and focus & setting yourself up for success 

Without second guessing if your campaign success action plan has been set up in a way right way or if you have designed it to maximize your chances of campaign success... 

The Art Of Campaigning is allowing so many brand new people by impacting their communities in meaningful ways as public official and to finally start being the change they want to see in the world 
...And now it's your turn to learn the secrets of campaign success so you too can maximize your chances of running for office, getting elected and winning your first campaign...
So that you too can serve your local community to the highest standards possible even if you have ZERO public life experience before running for office.

And what's more the secrets revealed inside the are of campaigning are designed to work for people running campaigns at every levels of government.

From local, to state to, even national elections...

The art of campaigning is designed to give you a framework for success no matter what level of office you are running for... 
Here's Exactly
What You're Going To Learn Inside
The Art Of Campaigning
  • How Anyone Regardless Of Their Current Experience Can Quickly & Easily Create Their Very Own Campaign Success Action Plan!
  • ​Why anyone can run and how to create the confidence you need in order to take on the exciting challenge of entering into public life
  • ​The "Exact Public Profile Process" anyone can use to build a network with people of influence in your constituency and to quickly create a base of support for your campaign
  • ​How To "Create A Core Constituent Message" to communicate effectively with your community and get people excited to turn out for you.
  • All of the tools and resources you need to manage data, spread your message and run a campaign efficiently..  
  • ​How to recruit an engaged network of volunteers to work in your campaign and help get your message out...
The best part is that anyone can do this even if you've never run for office or been involved in public life before...

That's right because campaign success and entering public life isn't about being financially successful or independently wealthy or well connected when you're starting out.

Campaign success is about being community focused and demonstrating why you're the person for the job. 
(Here I Am With Justin Trudeau Discussing Community Issues & Federal Solutions)
  • Because people vote for the people who they have faith in
  • People vote for people who they believe understand their needs and can communicate with them effectively
  • People vote for people who ​demonstrate that they can make the changes that are needed to improve their lives and the lives of their community. 
So running for office and entering public life is first and foremost about having a vision for your community and how you're going to make it a better place. 

That means that running for office is for anyone who wants to help make their community a better place not just for people 

And the best part is that entering public life is more open and inclusive now then at any other time in history...
There are The new wave Of People who are Taking Up The Call To Enter Into Public Life And Winning Their First Campaigns…
And you can BET...

The art of campaigning is unlike anything else you've seen before… because we've never shown it to anyone before...

And the reason is that I was using this process internally for me and my teams campaigns and was too busy with my duties as an elected official to have the time to share it.

So this is the first time this information has been made available to any one ever to apply to their very own campaigns. 

…This means that this is wide open for people to get results now in your very first campaigns. 

Here's what this means for your campaign success:
  • You don't need to have ever run a successful campaign before
    (We show you how you can do this in the book)
  • You don't need to be independently wealthy or have a highly desirable career to run (Getting into office is about serving people needs not your current levels of success) 
  • ​You don’t need to quit your job to get started or have 100's of hours of free time to get your campaign set up... 
  • You don’t need to be successful now before you can start (Anyone can do this as long as you have a vision for your community) 
  •  You don’t have to have anything special skills negotiation or public speaking experience to start (We'll show you how you can create the confidence to run and create a compelling campaign narrative) 
In fact: no matter where you are now you have all of the skills and abilities you need to start your journey on entering into public life.. 
Inside the Art Of Campaigning You'll Discover how Anyone Can Create A Compelling Campaign Designed
To Inspire Voting Support 
Like I said…
This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for your journey on entering into public…
…and I know that’s true…

Because for everyone who applies these strategies they work.

The art of campaigning model allowed you to get rid of 99% of all the wasted time energy and effort that most people go through when starting out on their first campaigns that get zero results and stop you from really making the impact that you need…
  • Like spending all of your energy on creating creating a catchy slogan - slogans are great but focusing on the needs of your voters is far more important & will make great campaign slogans almost automatically emerge
  • ​Or worrying about how to set up a fancy beautiful branded website (They're a lot less important then most people think for campaign success)
  • ​Being stuck working on your campaign plans instead of communicating with your voters... which holds you back from building your public profile as quickly as possible as a new candidate... 
The Art Of Campaigning will Free You From All That and Allow You To Create An Efficient Campaign Machine, So that you can Make The Impact & Change You Want To
See In The World
We have a saying in Prince Rupert…

A ship in a harbor is safe, but that's not what a ship is for

So with that in mind...

Here’s what 99% of most new public figures campaign startegy look like (and If you’ve ever started thinking about running, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “Campaign Burnout Blueprint”:
  Step 1 - 💪 I'm sick and tired of what's happening... nobody knows how to run things right and it's time that someone competent stepped up and did the job the right way 
  Step 2 - 👀 Look around at the current pool of candidates... realize none of them are going to do the job right and that someone better is needed to do solve the problems your community faces... 
  Step 3 -  💭 Think about running for 2-4 weeks (Maybe for years you've considered it) and then finally decide that you want to take on the challenge and do some good in the world.
  Step 4 -  📣 Start working on campaign slogans and thinking about how you're going to build out your branded website to run your campaign around.. 
  Step 5 -  📇  Start getting professional headshots taken to and  creating businesses cards to let people know more about you and your campaign... (You really feel like you're making progress but no real support is being built yet) 
  Step 6 -  🤝🏻 Attend your local chamber of commerce and start networking more to start building up your public profile
  Step 7 -  🔗 Make a fancy website & brand - takes 2-3 months and you spend way more hours on it then you ever thought you would...
  Step 8 -  ⏲️ Next you realize that you haven't really figured out what issues you're running on are and you start spending all of your time working on you campaign plans... 
  Step 9 -  ⏰ Weeks go by and you're spending all of your time working on your campaign plan (40-60 hours a week or more) and nowhere near enough of your time actually letting people know about your campaign and that you're running. 
  Step 10 - 💥 Suddenly you're ready for launch & you expect your campaign to start taking off now that "you're ready"... (Doesn't work out that way... turns out your website isn't getting any traffic or people visting it) 
  Step 11 - 🤲Now you start "networking" which is what you should have been focusing more of your time on in the first place as this is where the majority of your 
  Step 12 - ⏱️ It's been 4 months now that you've been working on your campaign and the election is almost at hand you have no base built and you can feel the election slipping through your fingers and getting away from you... 
  Step 13 - 📸 You realize you need to switch strategy and start Posting On Social Media To "Grow A Base" & Get Support you get 2 like per post. (Doesn't work but feels good initially)
  Step 14 - ♻️ Repeat Steps 5-11 Over And Over Again & Struggle for 3-5 years (Or More)
  Step 15 - 🍀If you're luck you figure out a better way on your own or in most cases you give up on your entire dream of a successful career in public life
The "Campaign Burnout Blueprint" not only doesn't work but it wastes time energy and effort in the process... 

It keeps people entering into public life stuck for weeks, months or even years - wasting precious time but not actually being able to build the support they need to really have campaign success...

And what's more is that they forcing themselves to work crazy hours because they want to have success but they spend their time in all of the wrong places. 

To be honest… 
I  Was Just Like Most New Public Figures When I Was Running My First Campaign & almost gave up on Running For Office...
...after dreaming for weeks months and years of running for office I almost gave up on it and went back to focusing on my corporate job...

I mean I had all of these thoughts running though my head 
"who was I to run" and "who was I to think I could really make a difference in the world."

I didn't think it was possible for me and it felt so much more realistic to give up on my dreams of running for office and just stay with a cozy 9-5 to five job, working for somebody else and not really making the impact that I wanted to on the world...

I too went through the "Campaign Burnout Blueprint" and I almost gave up but I decided to try something completely different. Something that - when applied changed everything for my campaign success.

And if you're having these thoughts just like me before you give up like I almost did let me tell you what I realized...

You see when I took stock of where I was and looked at all of my trial and error. I realized that it was all paying off for me but I couldn't see it yet as I was stuck in the weeds of my first official run for office.

While it did take me time to see what was happening and “figure out” exactly what was getting me the real campaign successes I wanted to see. 

Once I realized where to put my focus and what was wasted time energy and effort... running for office became a much more simple and enjoyable process.. 

...to the point where my support and base grew almost automatically without any real work on my part ...

Because I realized that I needed to start putting my energy effort and focus on spreading my message and talking with my community

NOT pouring all of my energy into pointless websites or meetings that didn't matter or any of the stuff that most people think we "need to do" in order to run for office.

When I started shedding the waste in my campaign and putting my energy where it was needed my entire results changed almost over night (Or at least it felt that way once I started to change strategy)

These key campaign strategy shifts (which I break down in the art of campaigning) Were the difference between winning and losing the race for in my first run for office.

And yes that took for me to figure out but it was worth it and now because I've figured it all out and done all of the hard work I can shortcut your journey and show you exactly what I didn't know when I started out...

I can give you an advantage I never had so you can skip the hard part and just go straight to the highest value return on your time in the shortest time frame possible... 
And I Put All Of These Shortcuts Into The Art of Campaigning So That You Can Get Results With A Fraction Of The Effort & Work That I had to Build A Wildly Successful Campaign...
But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name’s Lee Brain…

I've been a two term mayor of Prince Rupert In Canada from 2014 to 2022,
an internationally significant port community located just south of the Alaskan Panhandle. 

I won my first term first term as mayor at age 29 against a two-term incumbent, where I received more votes than all three of my competitors combined. 

My team & I were also successful in negotiating over $350 million dollars in new capital and long-term revenues for the City...

And helped take the community from flirting with bankruptcy to financial solvency within just a few short years.

Through my years as a public official I've developed my skills as professional facilitator, mediator, team builder, campaigner, and community engagement specialist.
(Here I Am Signing Off On Community Action Plans We Negotiated For More Federal Funding)
With 15 years of campaign-related experience at all levels of public office, non-profits and industry, I've developed a keen understanding of the principles and tools needed to build movements and what are the effective campaign strategies that inspire people to rally around and support you...

Through all of my experiences I have developed my expertise into helping new public figure start their campaigns, set them up their campaigns for success and most importantly help them quickly build their base.

I've been elected multiple times and now I'm showing other people how they too can create impact and get elected in their local communities too.. 

I've been an new public figure and I know what the challenges are when starting out and now I help people looking for an opportunity to serve their community and run a campaign that they can be proud of...

…It's been my focus for years now & I've gotten pretty good at it!
And I did it all without having to sacrifice my personal life or time with my beautiful wife or our daughter
(The Beautiful Family I Supported Even As I Ran My Campaigns & Worked In Office)
As of writing this, I’m currently living in Prince Rupert, in the final days of my second term as mayor. 
And as We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize That I’m Very Transparent - So Let’s Talk About Where I Was On December 14th 2012
I was 28 years old, and considering running my very first campaign... 

I had been working my job for years and I had had enough of seeing how people were running my community…

I knew that someone else was needed for the job but when I looked at the candidates and saw that the current mayor was likely to retake office I knew that someone would have to step in and run against them. 

A real candidate who knew the issues that our community faced and was willing to do what it took to win and to make the changes that people actually wanted to see. 

… And that initial excitement I had for running I went out and made all of the mistakes that people make when starting out on their first campaign...

Here's Just Some of The Mistakes That I Made
  • I went out and hired consultants who had never been involved in public life wasting precious time & resources...
  • Spent way too long on my campaign plans & not enough time impacting my community...
  • Spent time in my local chambers of commerce networking without a clear campaign mission to unify support...
  • ​Wasted days and weeks building websites that were nowhere near as important as people think they are...
  • ​I wasted months figuring out my campaign slogans spending valuable energy where I didn't need to...
And What I Quickly Learned Was How Ineffective Campaigning Can Be When you Don't Know What You SHOULD be
investing your
time on
I poured all of this energy time and effort into things I though that mattered but in reality were nowhere near as important as I thought they were...

And what's worse I was spending 80 hours or more a week on all of these low return activities and I had little to nothing to show for it.. 

I was burning out fast & I realized that I had little to nothing to show for it... all of this energy I was spending all of this time I was investing was not getting me the campaign success I wanted.

And I was a few months away from election day when I was getting ready to throw in the towel and pull out of the race completely... 

Then I had an epiphany .. and epiphany which changed everything for me and my campaign success...  
And So I Asked Myself A Question?
I asked myself... what am I spending my time on that is not getting me results and where am I investing my time that is resulting in people actually supporting me? 

And so I racked my brains for hours on end... and I wrote out everything I had been doing and had done over the recent months of running my campaign...

Documented everything that was getting me support and everything that I felt was important but that never really seemed to work out as I thought it would

And I looked at the whole campaign I had been from every single angle ... and I started to notice some patterns of success that I had not seen before... 

The pattern I spotted was that 85% of my support were coming from 3 core activates ... and those 3 core activities were where I was spending the LEAST amount of my time (less then 10% of my total time working on my campaign) 

And what I realized was...what if I completely shifted my campaign focus and spent 90% of my time doing these activities.  
And That's When I Realized
What if I completely shifted my campaign focus and spent 90% of my time doing these activities... 
These activities were ... recruiting volunteers, speaking with constituents and networking with people of influence... 

When I spent the majority of my time energy and effort on these three activities 
  • I was getting more positive feedback on my campaign... 
  • I was getting more calls of support for my campaign 
  • I was getting more and more buzz on social media about the campaign we were running. . 
And so in an instant instead of throwing in the towel I decided to double down on everything that was working and cut out all of the waste.

And it was this moment that turned my entire campaign around!

And then I had another thought... What if i had other people do these 3 activities with me... 

What would that allow me to do.. 

And that's when I realized... 

That if I recruited my volunteers and supporters to do only these activities on my behalf as well..

That I could grow the support for my campaign even faster... 

And when that thought hit me it went of like a lightning bolt in my head... 
So I decided to get to work.. 

I decided to get in and focus only on these 3 activities and what's more put a plan in place to have other people be responsible for these activities so that the campaign could not only be successful... 

But it could grow without me there 100% of the time.. 

Fast forward a few months... and my entire campaign had changed... 

I had taken to the top of the polls and my incumbent had no idea how I had been able to turn the tides on them coming into election day..

I had finally cracked the code and it was because I was forced to look at how I could get better results by focusing on only what was working...  

And it was in being forced to find another better alternative... 

That I found a way to get better results with less time, energy, money and effort for me and my team...

And so I had learned a valuable lesson when it comes to campaign success and getting the results that you want as a public figure

Which is:

The first and main problem that needs to be focused on for new public figures is support generating activities...

I had been doing busy work and I was getting all of the results that came from doing busy work.. 
There’s a stupid myth out there...that if you just build it they will come…
… Well sometimes they do come but more often than not you have to make them come to you... 

This is why so many people get completely side-swiped when starting a new campaign and waste all of their precious time doing the things that don't matter and not focusing on the things that really build up support.. 

And when you act like that... Very soon that optimism you had before you started turns into a hope strategy (Aka praying people miraculously turn up on election day and hope that somehow they chose you)

I know, because I tried running my campaigns without focusing on what really got results and it was eating all of my optimism for running for office... 
Campaigns run with a focus on building support and Execution as a top priority are one of the simplest ways to build support...Period! 
When I started running my campaigns this way I generated 3-5 times more support then almost all of my competitors because we weren't wasting our time on all of the busy work that they were doing...

We were focused on doing only what matters to build support and create campaign success. 

Just think about it: 
 How many people never hear from their elected officials until it's time for the next polling day... Almost every single one.

 How many people have problems in their lives that their officials could solve if only they would hear about the,... almost all of them (and when you listen to them they feel heard)  
 How many people who would never vote for anyone would vote for someone who really took the time to show them why they could help their community? Almost everyone who wouldn't turn out to vote can become a supporter when you reach out to them
 How many people out there just want someone else to do what is right for the community! This is what public figures campaigns are built on!
You see there is an endless list of reasons why people will support your campaigns and that list grows all the time as you start interacting with your constituents by focusing on only what works
And the best part about running a campaign using the art of campaigning approach?
You get a Highly Engaged, low Cost Campaign Strategy that you Other People Volunteer To Help You With!
Which means you can start a highly effective campaign in just about any location in the world that have people running for office... (There are public figures and officials in every state in the world through all levels of the community that have roles that you can fill)

All you have to do is do what we show you to generate support
, and then when you're ready to get out on the campaign trail all you have to do is focus on the most important activities that propel your campaign forward towards success.
And this Is Why I help New public Figures Running For Office Owners Craft
Winning Campaigns
Because it allows me to help people just like me when I was starting out who want to make changes in their local communities on their own and create a real movement as fast as humanly possible with a low cost highly effective campaign success formula

All you have to do is follow the process we show in the art of campaigning system and you'll know exactly what you need to do to create a highly engaged and successful campaign when running for office...
Want to Know What The Main Difference Is With The Art of Campaigning And The Old Way Of Running A Campaign
You get a proven roadmap for campaign success instead of having no idea if it will work out for you or not...
Rather than taking the risk of wasting your time and hoping to win your campaign, here’s what it looks like now... 
What To Do Next...?
Order your copy of the Art of Campaigning now....seriously what's your reason for not doing it?

Like I mentioned before...

We're practically giving it away and we both know if you hold off and don't grab your copy now you might never see this page again and you'll lose out on this opportunity!
So you're probably asking...
why am I doing this?
How can you make money giving away all of your campaign secrets for so little?

...because we know you're going to love the art of campaigning system so much because it's just that good. We want to put it into your hands and help as many people as possible so that I can help them change their campaign success with a highly successful campaign just like it changed my life...  

And of course don't get me wrong naturally you'll want more products from us after you see how powerful what we offer in the art of campaigning is so it's a complete win win for both of us... 

You get an awesome system that helps you create a campaign you can be proud of from scratch for less than the cost of a couple of cups of coffee and we get a customer who trusts us for years to come. Which is exactly what we want.

We're in this to change lives just like the lives we've already changed as an elected official and know you're going to love our program.

So that's why we can do this for such a low price...

The really cool thing is that…

If you follow every single step that I teach, you're odds of success go through the roof when compared to going it alone and trying to figure it all out on your own..

But it's much, much more than that...
It’s Actually A Well Oiled Campaign Success Machine That Lets People Running For Office Build A Highly Successful Campaign...
Here's why...

It took me my first Campaign to "figure this out"...

...and then running again and winning to perfect it... so that you don't have to...

Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.
I already did all of the hard work for you.

I figured it all out.

Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.

Other than that, just to download the book and copy the entire model and most important of all - implement it!

That’s it…
It's Just That Simple!
The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes is Trying to Figure This Out On Their Own
Don't Be That Person

You can't sit on the fence and expect things to change and trying to figure everything out for yourself could take years of wasted time energy and effort.

If you're serious about running for office is going to thrive you can't do what everyone else is doing....
The #2 Mistake Everyone Else Makes is Copying The Failing Strategies That Everyone Else Is Doing
Don't Be That Person Either

Just because someone else is doing something doesn't mean it's working. You're assuming that.

That's why everyone else 
  •  Building fancy political websites
  • Wasting time on pointless busy work that doesn't build your base
  • Spending hours and hours on campaign slogans only for people to not really care much about them at all
If you're doing these things it's the same things that everyone else is wasting their time on and so you'll have to use the same hope and pray campaign strategies they use when running for office.

The strategies outlined in the art of campaigning are working right now and they're built on timeless and time tested principles for campaign success

It's the people who take this opportunity and grab it by the hands who will succeed in running a campaign you could be proud of.

You will be the ones who work less and win more while on the campaign trail.

You will be the ones who finally have a campaign that is designed to work hard for you and is not dependant upon investing hours of time energy and effort into pointless activity that doesn't get results

You will be the ones who change more lives as an elected official making the changes you want to see in the world

So now is the time to act.. now is the time to take this opportunity by the hand and run with it.
This Truly Is A "Limited Time Offer"
So Claim Your Copy Now Before
They're All Gone!

I promise you this…

Anyone can run a campaign that is designed to win (more on this below)..

Ultimately you want to know one thing..
 Can You really do this?
And my answer is:
If you've gotten this far and the message on this page speaks to you then now is your time to act. 

You need to take action and take control of your campaign success.

These books are selling fast now so the strategies outline are most effective right now and you do not have time to waste when it comes to your campaign success.

The people who want to run who take action on this message and start today will be the ones who get results and change their campaigns for the better.
  The Art Of Campaigning Will help you effortlessly Create a clear roadmap on exactly what you have to do (all you Have to do is follow the steps....)
So Before You Download  The Art of Campaigning eBook…I Want You To Know
That There's No Catch!
I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges you a subscription. 

My reputation is on the line and I want to make sure that you have all the resources you need to be successful

There is no catch or any subscription program this offer really is designed to help you despite the fact that we're practically giving away the art of campaigning

I'm literally giving you this entire book, for $19.95, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.
But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:
This Won’t Last Long
The truth is...

I was planning on selling this book for $67, but that meant I had to print copies of it, store them and ship them.

Which would eat up profits and also make it much more difficult to help more people.

Then I was going to sell The Art Of Campaigning book for $49.95 and People We're Going To Pre Order it at that price....

...Which was was great, but then I realised hey - this is an eBook it doesn't cost me anything to to sell other than a few bucks to advertise it.
By lowering the price to $19.95 it allows me to impact more people and help them Get elected To Help Their Communities
I consider that at true win/win...

Also in most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.

It costs me just $21.00- $46 in advertising expense to sell one book.

So why would I do that?

Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.

I'm betting that you'll enjoy the book so much, you'll call and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me. 

Pretty straightforward.

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.
You're Also Getting All of our Advanced trainings and bonuses for Free where I'll walk you through exactly what's working to create campaign success right now.

And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.

Plus these 8 amazing bonuses are valued at $985

Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's ...
The BEST Money-Back Guarantee 
In The World

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

And even though it’s only $19.95 - you worked for that money and it counts.

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Download the eBook, read it out, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

We’ll refund you your $19.95 and let you keep art of campaigning free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...
You're Also Getting Advanced trainigns and bonuses Valued at ver $985 included with your order here today completely free of charge
And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.

Plus I’m also including these 8 amazing bonuses valued at $985

So with that in mind...
This Offer Expires on
{{MMM}} {{D}}, {{YYYY}}
Until then, to your success,
P.S. Remember, The Art of Campaigning comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Download it, read it, implement it, get results. 

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $19.95 with no questions asked
Here's What's Included In
The System
  Discover the exact step-by-step process to use even if you're starting from 0 to get your campaign ready for success 

(All explained in chapter 3)…
  Creating your core constituent message - how to position yourself as the best option above all of your competitors.
(All explained on page 73)…
  The key campaign development principles you can use to develop a simple and compelling campaign message to rapidly build a base and unify people around you..

(All explained on page 86)...
  The key demographic data you need to identify in order to know exactly who your constituents are and know with 100% certainty what the problems they really are facing.

(All explained on page 104)...
  The step-by-step voter targeting strategy that anyone can use so that you know exactly where your time is best spent on the campaign trail

(Revealed on page 109 )…
  Opposition research process that lets you see who your competitors are, and understand their campaign philosophies so you can clearly differentiate yourself from your competition... 

(Broken down on page 63)…  
  The most common mistakes new campaigners make (that prevents them from getting their campaigns up and running) and how you can spot if you're falling into any of these traps during your campaign. 

(Explained on Page 38)…
  The exact volunteer recruitment process I used to win my campaigns to help you recruit people to spread the message about your campaign fast

(Outlined on page 115)…
  The public profile process that anyone can use to reach out to people of influence, build a network of support and create a base that is engaged in your campaign. 

(Illustrated on page 112)… 
  The  #1 Digital Data Management Tools you need to use in order to keep all of your campaign data safe, secure and compliant. This campaign management system will be one of the engines behind your campaign success

(Revealed on page 99)…
  The No stones left unturned campaign budget strategies that let's you allocate your budgets, learn how to raise money and make sure before you launch your campaign that you have all of the resources you need to win

(Broken down on pages 122-128)… 
  The exact technology & Software we use to amplify our campaign message, all of the highest leverage tools you need to be efficient with your time spreading the word are shared.

(Broken down in Chapter 7)… 
  My entire step-by-step campaign launch process responsible for all my campaign successes that allowed me and my team run a hyper-efficient campaign starting from day 1.

(Broken down from pages 195-208)…
  How to find and recruit smart, dependable and talented superstar volunteers that run your campaign for you (without you ever being out of pocket for the costs)

(Yes you read that right this lets you really get your time back)…
  My system for keeping your campaign ultra productive (that allows me & my team to get more done in less time) - this is one of the secrets to being able to run an effective and efficient campaign (Especially important when you're starting out) 

(Revealed in chapter 5)…
 The ultimate list of campaign tools and resources (I use daily) to run- you’ll want to start using these A.S.A.P. 

(Available for instant download)
Download The Art Of Campaigning Today 
(Save $47.05 today)

Download The eBook For $67.00 Just $19.95! Delivered instantly to your email.
Available For Instant Download
Here's What Others Have To Say
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this for?
This is for 2 types of people. Those who are interested in running for office and those who are currently in office but who are looking to have a more secure second campaign.  It is designed to help you know exactly where to invest your precious time to maximise your campaign results 
What is Art Of Campaigning?
the Art Of Campaigning is an eBook and a systematic approach for anyone who is running for office to create a highly successful campaign and quickly build a base. It is not a fad that comes and goes. It is not some hack that won't work years from now it is a tried and tested campaign success formula designed to make the process of running for office and winning as simple as possible for anyone entering into public life
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
The Art Of Campaigning special offer really is special. We wanted to make it so good that you'd feel stupid by not ordering it if running for office and winning is of any interest to you. What you'll get in this special offer includes the art of campaigning eBook, our confidence code breakdown for running, our public profile process helping you to build your public profile fast even as someone who is completely unkown today and our cor constituent messaging so that you know hat you need to do to get the word out. 
How is this different than just doing it all on my own?
Generally doing it on your own means that you're going to have to figure out everything without a proven roadmap for success. Now everyone is doing that strategy and so you're now running yoru campaign on luck and more importantly when you run a bad campaign you can damage your reputation in your community because the first impressions people have of you matter.

We only show you stuff that has stood the test of time and that can help you have higher odds of campaign success as you are running for office
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this eBook but for the people that want to further assistance we do offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the book.
Launch Your Campaign
Successfully Today
(Save $47.05 today)

Download The eBook For $69.95 Just $19.95! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
Available For Instant Download
Features & Press Releases
 City of Prince Rupert receives $800,000 payment from CityWest

   Lee Brain delayed those plans to promote Prince Rupert, which is on the cusp of an economic boom. 

TheGlobeAndMail.com... April 26th, 2020
 The City of Prince Rupert has hired Rob Buchan... Said Lee Brain.. "He was the prime candidate to take Prince Rupert to the next level under our Rupert 2030 vision..."

 First baby born to actively sitting mayor in more then 100 years...

Download The Art Of
Campaigning Now
(Save $47.05 today)

Download The eBook For $67.00 Just $19.95! Delivered instantly to your email.
Available For Instant Download
Included Bonuses

The Art Of Campaigning Book
(206 Pages)

A Complete System where you learn the entire process for running for office, how to win and how to enter public life

Core Constituent Messaging (Value $197) Free With Your Order Today

How to create meaningful messaging that people in your community can rally around you and rally around your campaign.

Campaign Life Balance (Value $197)
Free With Your Order Today

How to run a campaign without it taking over your life so you can win your race and also maintain all of your other obligations

10 Principles Of Leadership (Value $97) Free With Your Order Today 

These 10 universal principle of leadership will help you position yourself as the candidate for the job

Key Campaign Strategies (Value $197) Free With Your Order Today

These key campaign strategies will allow you to focus on only what works and nothing more so that you can cut through the noise and stand out from your opponents

Impactful Community Intiatives
(Value $197) Free With Your Order Today

This impactful community initiatives training will allow you to see how crisis events that impact your community can give you an opportunity to serve and separate yourself from your competition

Public Profile Process (Value $197)
Free With Your Order Today 

Exclusive Training: How To Build your Public Profile Fast Even As A Completely Unknown Candidate

Digital Data Management (Value $197) Free With Your Order Today

In this digital data management training we'll show you how to legally manage all of your campaign data in one safe and convenient location

The Confidence Code (Value $197) Free With Your Order Today

We'll show you how to overcome imposter syndrome, develop the confidence to run and impact more lives as the authentic version of yourself.
(Save $47.05 today)

Download The eBook For $67.00 Just $19.95! Delivered instantly to your email.
Available For Instant Download
Campaign Success Principles
4-Steps To Campaign Success
Get The Art Of Campaigning Now 
Here's Everything You're Getting 
For Only $19.95 Today
Included With Your Order

206 Page eBook

A Complete System where you learn the entire process for running for office, how to win and how to enter public life
Included With Your Order

Core Constituent Messaging

How to create meaningful messaging that people in your community can rally around you and rally around your campaign.
Included With Your Order

Campaign Life Balance

How to run a campaign without it taking over your life so you can win your race and also maintain all of your other obligations
Included With Your Order

10 Principles Of Leadership 

These 10 universal principle of leadership will help you position yourself as the candidate for the job
Included With Your Order

Key Campaign Strategies

These key campaign strategies will allow you to focus on only what works and nothing more so that you can cut through the noise and stand out from your opponents
Included With Your Order

Impactful Community Initiatives

This impactful community initiatives training will allow you to see how crisis events that impact your community can give you an opportunity to serve and separate yourself from your competition
Included With Your Order

Public Profile Process

Exclusive Training: How To Build your Public Profile Fast Even As A Completely Unknown Candidate
Included With Your Order

Digital Data Management

In this digital data management training we'll show you how to legally manage all of your campaign data in one safe and convenient location
Included With Your Order

The Confidence Code

We'll show you how to overcome imposter syndrome, develop the confidence to run and impact more lives as the authentic version of yourself. 
Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.
Only $67 $19.95 Today
Download The eBook For $67.00 Just $19.95! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
"Democracy is a government of the people for the people & by the people."
Abraham Lincoln
Here's A Sneak Peek Of What's Inside The Book
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
John Stuart Mill
How To Get The Confidence To Run For Office Even If You Have Never Been Involved In Public Life Before
In The Art Of Campaigning you're not just going to learn how to run a hyper focused successful campaign, I will also share some successful strategies I've used to develop teh confidence to run.. 
 How to develop The confidence to run even if you've never run for office before...
 How To Prepare yourself for public Speaking and dealing with public debates
 Why you're enough as you are and do not need to be independently wealthy or successful in business in order to have the confidence to run
How to become the most confident politician you can be
You're Also Getting 
$985 of Actionable value!
(Yours For FREE When You Get The Art Of 
Campaigning eBook)
Art Of Campaigning eBook

The Art Of Campaigning Book
(206 Pages)

A Complete System where you learn the entire process for running for office, how to win and how to enter public life
Bonus #1

Core Constituent Messaging (Value $197) Free With Your Order Today

How to create meaningful messaging that people in your community can rally around you and rally around your campaign.
Bonus #2

Campaign Life Balance (Value $197)
Free With Your Order Today

How to run a campaign without it taking over your life so you can win your race and also maintain all of your other obligations
Bonus #3

10 Principles Of Leadership (Value $97) 
Free With Your Order Today 

These 10 universal principle of leadership will help you position yourself as the candidate for the job
Bonus #4

Key Campaign Strategies (Value $197)
Free With Your Order Today

These key campaign strategies will allow you to focus on only what works and nothing more so that you can cut through the noise and stand out from your opponents
Bonus #5

Impactful Community Initiatives
(Value $197) Free With Your Order Today

This impactful community initiatives training will allow you to see how crisis events that impact your community can give you an opportunity to serve and separate yourself from your competition
Bonus #6

Public Profile Process (Value $197)
Free With Your Order Today 

Exclusive Training: How To Build your Public Profile Fast Even As A Completely Unknown Candidate
Bonus #7

The Confidence Code (Value $197) 
Free With Your Order Today

We'll show you how to overcome imposter syndrome, develop the confidence to run and impact more lives as the authentic version of yourself. 
 Frequently Asked Questions
What is The Art Of Campaigning ?
The Art Of Campaigning is an eBook and a systematic approach for anyone who is running for office to create a highly successful campaign and quickly build a base. It is not a fad that comes and goes. It is not some hack that won't work years from now it is a tried and tested campaign success formula designed to make the process of running for office and winning as simple as possible for anyone entering into public lifw.
How is this different than just doing it all on my own?
Generally doing it on your own means that you're going to have to figure out everything without a proven roadmap for success. Now everyone is doing that strategy and so you're now running yoru campaign on luck and more importantly when you run a bad campaign you can damage your reputation in your community because the first impressions people have of you matter.

We only show you stuff that has stood the test of time and that can help you have higher odds of campaign success as you are running for office
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the book.
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
The Art Of Campaigning special offer really is special. We wanted to make it so good that you'd feel stupid by not ordering it if running for office and winning is of any interest to you. What you'll get in this special offer includes the art of campaigning eBook, our confidence code breakdown for running, our public profile process helping you to build your public profile fast even as someone who is completely unkown today and our cor constituent messaging so that you know hat you need to do to get the word out. 
Who is this for?
This is for 2 types of people. Those who are interested in running for office and those who are currently in office but who are looking to have a more secure second campaign. It is designed to help you know exactly where to invest your precious time to maximise your campaign results 
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this eBook but for the people that want to further assistance we do offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.
This product is brought to you and copyrighted by artofcampaigning.com  
We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or election success, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any testimonials referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of the person giving the views of the testimonial and are in no way promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to your campaign plan. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

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